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Ask most medical doctors where they received their training and they’ll tell you about a cadaver lab or a hospital stint. Osso VR is a virtual reality platform designed to train surgeons with simulated patients and operating rooms. It works using the cloud, so rather than requiring each hospital to purchase the equipment to run the software, students can train with just a headset, from anywhere in the world. Peek into a classroom where these technologies are being used and you might feel you’ve caught students at play. Barad says immersive, repeatable training helps students pick things up quickly, and studies show that students who train on Osso VR do better in tests than others, according to a handful of studies. Barad says the training makes even practiced doctors more confident about adopting new devices and procedures that are often cutting-edge, but difficult to become proficient in, giving the learning curve.
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Ask most medical doctors where they received their training and they’ll tell you about a cadaver lab or a hospital stint.
One study research from UCLA’s David Geffen School of Medicine showed that Osso VR training “improved surgical performance by 230%” compared with traditional training methods.
Another 2022 study showed that Osso VR students could complete tasks eight minutes faster than other students with fewer corrections.
Barad believes Osso VR should be educational, realistic and usable.
The same is true for medical training on these platforms.